Support Our Cause

Help us Plant Trees

Help us green the country by buying us trees to plant, and helping us buy solar lamps for needy families.

We are on an endless journey to plant millions of trees and to provide access to clean water and clean energy to people in rural Kenya, but we cant do it alone. We need your support. 


TREES:You can always plant a tree to mark a special occasion and share the moment by posting a picture in our gallery for the world to celebrate and learn from you. If not in a position to plant one,you can send a donation to us which we will use to buy a seedling from a community nursery and plant and tag it on your behalf. We will share the photos of the tree with you.


Below  are the lighting costs;

For a Single Room(Students Kit-1 bulb),it costs 800

For 3 rooms(Family Kit-3 bulbs) 2,450Kshs

You can take part in our plan to light up 60 needy households in Kakuzi and Rusinga areas by donating a solar lamp or sending your contributions(any amounts accepted) through the below channels to assist us in buying and distributing them.



NOTE: Donate using the form on the left (dollars) or use the paybill on the right if you wish to donate in shillings.

Under a Tree Movement

Organization Name: Under a Tree Movement